
PCM4EU: Personalised Cancer Medicine for all EU citizens

January 23, 2023 14:10
Last Edited:
January 30, 2023 10:39
PCM4EU kick-off day two, LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands. Photo: LUMC

PCM4EU – Precision Medicine for Europe – is a project under the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan by EU4Health and has partners from 15 countries across Europe. The project is about facilitating implementation of molecular cancer diagnostics for precision oncology such as DRUP-like clinical trials. PCM4EU is coordinated by Hans Gelderblom at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) in the Netherlands.

The project started in the beginning of 2023, and on January 18-19, a kick-off event took place at LUMC in Leiden, The Netherlands.

The project is devided into six workpackages (WPs): WP2 is about mapping and facilitating use of molecular cancer diagnostics and WP3 is about precision oncology and promoting and help starting more national DRUP-like clinical trials in European countries. WP4 is focusing on implementing precision oncology and standards for use in diagnostics and molecular tumour boards (MTBs) in European countries. Furthermore, WP5 is about equitable and cross-border access whereas WP6 is focusing on training of the next generation of oncologists. PCM4EU has also incorporated a patient engagement strategy to ensure access to molecular-based clinical trials and will build a data aggregation platform.

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